Yuba-Sutter Transit Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan
The Yuba-Sutter Transit Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan, which is consistent with the Yuba-Sutter Transit Climate Action Plan, has been prepared for the purpose of compliance with the Federal Transit Administration Dear Colleague Letter dated December 1, 2021, requiring such a plan for continued eligibility under certain federal funding sources. This plan also serves as the foundation of the Yuba-Sutter Transit Zero-Emission Roll-Out Plan that under the California Air Resources Board adopted Innovative Clean Transit Rule which is due by July 1, 2023.
Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan
Board Adopts ZEB Fleet Conversion Policy at July Meeting
On July 15, 2021, the Yuba-Sutter Transit Board of Directors adopted the following policy statement committing to a 100 percent fleet conversion to Zero-Emission Buses (ZEBs) by 2035. this is in advance of the statewide directive to meet this goal by 2040. This focus on meeting or exceeding the state requirement goes hand-in-hand with the process of funding, designing and building a new zero-emission transit facility by 2025 and working to replace non-ZEB vehicles.
ZEB Fleet Conversation Policy Resolution 08-21
Yuba-Sutter Transit joins the Sustainable Transit for a Healthy Planet Challenge

On June 15th, 2021, FTA launched the Sustainable Transit for a Healthy Planet Challenge to encourage transit agencies to build on progress already made and to further reduce GHG emissions from public transportation to support President Biden's GHG reduction goal. Transit agencies are increasingly taking actions to reduce their own carbon emissions to further the GHG emission reduction benefits associated with public transportation.
Yuba-Sutter Transit has joined the challenge by developing a climate action plan and by adopting a Board Resolution committing to the 100% conversion to zero-emission buses by 2035 well in advance of the statewide goal of 2040.
View the Yuba-Sutter Transit Climate Action Plan HereView the Board Resolution Here