TSA National Directives on Mask Wearing
Updated: 12/17/2021
Listed below are the national directives on mask-wearing and related documents issued in January and February 2021. These directives take effect nationwide and apply to all public transit operators, including Yuba-Sutter Transit, and passengers that chose to use any public transit services.
Click here to access the web page of all TSA Directives in PDF format.
TSA Mask Mandate Extention to March 18, 2022
- TSA Statement on Extention
Executive Order 13998 (1/21/21) - PDF Version
CDC Order Re: Masks (Effective 2/1/21)
Dept. of Transportation Mask FAQ (1/21/21) - PDF Version
TSA Security Directive - SD1582/84-21-02 (Effective 2/1/21)
APTA Transit Mask Mandate Summary (2/1/21)
Please call (530) 742-2877 for any further information or questions.