Get A Connect Card Today!
Click here to check out a quick video introducing the program!

1. Get Your Connect Card and Load Fare
Online - Full fare (non-discount) riders can order the Connect Card online at by clicking on the “Get a Card” link. Select the fare you want loaded onto the card and check-out using a debit or credit card. The card will be mailed to you within 5-7 business days with the fare already loaded on the card, ready for immediate use.
At the Counter - Discount cards are available for eligible riders only and must be obtained in-person at the counter in our offices at 2100 B Street in Marysville. You will be asked to fill out the Discount Card Registration Form and show proof of eligibility. Our normal office hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday (closed 12:00pm to 1:00pm for lunch). We can accept cash, check, transit check or credit/debit at our counter for loading fare on a new Connect Card. Contact the Yuba-Sutter Transit administrative office at (530) 634-6880 for more information.
Discount Connect Card Registration Form July 2019Applicacion de Tarjeta De Descuento (Espanol) July 2019Via your Employer - The Connect Card system supports corporate account management and your employer will have the ability to set you up with a Connect Card. If you receive your pass directly from your employer or in the mail, please contact your Human Resources Department or Transit Coordinator for information.
If you are an employer, please contact us for corporate account management information. Contact information is below.
2. Tap and Go!
Look for the green readers and tap! Connect Card readers are located on all buses, including Dial-A-Ride vehicles. Simply tap your Connect Card on the reader as you board.
3. Re-Load Fare
Your card is re-usable and will last up to ten years so don’t throw it away, punch a hole in it, or bend it. Reload fare on your card in any of the following ways:
- In person at our office or any of our pass outlets
- Online at using a debit or credit card
- Auto-Load your pass, a service that can be set up online so that your monthly pass or cash value will be automatically replenished
4. Provide feedback
With your help, we can find problems and fix them quickly. Tell us what you think using any of the following:
- Call (916) 557-4545, TDD (916) 483-HEAR (4327)
- Email
- Tweet @Connect_Card, or
For more information and answers to frequently asked questions, visit or call the Connect Card Customer Service line at (916) 321-2877 or (TTD) 916-483-4327, Monday – Friday: 6:30am to 6:30pm.