New Sacramento Service Plan Adopted for November 1st Implementation
After an extensive public process, a new Sacramento Commuter and Midday Service Plan was adopted by the Yuba-Sutter Transit Board of Directors during a special evening meeting on September 21st. As a result, effective Wednesday, November 1st, our Sacramento services will be modified for cost-saving purposes to better reflect post-pandemic ridership patterns and current traffic conditions.
The key features of the adopted service plan include:
- Permanent elimination of the six commuter schedules that were suspended in May 2020,
- Elimination of the existing 2nd morning and 3rd afternoon Highway 99 schedules,
- Elimination of the existing 3rd Midday schedule,
- Schedule changes and realignment of the 1st and 2nd Midday schedules to provide service from Yuba City and the Highway 70 corridor, with return service to all stops upon request,
- Minor time changes (and some name changes) for the remaining schedules, including a slight push of the last afternoon Highway 99 bus to depart Sacramento ten minutes later than it does now.
A revised Sacramento service brochure reflecting the November 1st changes will soon be distributed on all buses, but the new service plan is available in the links below.
AM Sacramento Service ScheduleMidday Sacramento Service SchedulePM Sacramento Service ScheduleYuba-Sutter Transit Sacramento Commuter & Midday Express Brochure - Effective November 1, 2023