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New Sacramento Commuter Midday Schedule Effective Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Based on the expressed need for service to the May Lee State Office Complex (MLSOC) on Richards Blvd. in Sacramento, and the feedback collected from the draft schedule revision survey, commuters will be seeing morning, midday and afternoon service options to the MLSOC beginning Tuesday, April 1, 2025.

Approved by the Yuba-Sutter Transit Board of Directors in February, the key features of the approved schedule revision include:

A Midday option to MLSOC:
Drop-off and/or pick-up service at 12:05 p.m. on the 2nd Midday (2 MD), Monday - Friday

Drop-off times listed above are approximate and may fluctuate due to traffic conditions.

Walton Terminal (Sunsweet) 7:50 11:10
Caltrans District Office (B & 8th) - -
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th) 7:55 11:15
Walton Terminal (Sam’s Club) - -
McGowan Park & Ride (Hwy 70) 8:05 11:25
Plumas Lake Park & Ride (Hwy 70) 8:15 11:35
MLSOC (Richards Blvd & 7th) - 12:05
J & 4th 8:50 12:10
J & 8th 8:52 12:12
J & 11th 8:54 12:14
15th & K 8:57 12:17
15th & N 8:58 12:18
P & 13th 9:00 12:20
P & 9th 9:02 12:22
P & 5th 9:05 12:25
2379 Gateway Oaks (Northbound) Note: Midday routes will provide return service to all Park & Ride lots upon request. Ask driver for drop off.
Bogue Park & Ride (Bogue & Hwy 99)
Walton Terminal (Sunsweet)
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th)
Plumas Lake Park & Ride (Hwy 70)
McGowan Park & Ride (Hwy 70)
Caltrans District Office (B & 8th)
Yuba Co. Gov't Center (I & 9th)
Walton Terminal (Sam's Club)