Monthly Newsletter
In this issue...
- Increased Ridership Prompts Change in Plans
- Marysville Christmas Parade Saturday, December 7th
- Plumas Street to Close on Saturday, December 14th
- Olivehurst Christmas Parade to Close a Portion of Olivehurst Avenue Saturday, December 14th
- Christmas and New Year's Holiday Schedule
- Christmas Gift Guide and Connect Card Sales Outlets

Increased Ridership Prompts Change in Plans
At their November meeting, the Board of Directors received a proposal from staff to consider alternatives to the previously approved NextGen Transit Plan Phase 1 service changes set for implementation in January 2025. The alternatives under consideration, which now include keeping Routes 2 and 5 in Yuba City, were developed in response to steadily increasing local route ridership and are intended to both improve access to transportation and minimize disruptions to current services. The recommended plan still includes the introduction of later weekday service hours, and the previously approved fare increases (eff. January 1, 2025), but reconsiders the cancellation of fixed routes. The following local service and fare changes are now planned for implementation in January 2025 to better meet growing community needs:
- Extension of weekday service hours to 8:00 p.m. for all local fixed routes and Dial-A-Ride for eligible riders.
- Elimination of the underutilized general public Dial-A-Ride service that currently runs until 9:30 p.m. on weekdays.
- Increase in the daily local fixed route Fare Cap from $3 to $4.50 for the Basic Fare Daily Cap, and from $1.50 to $2.25 for the Discount Fare Daily Cap (eff. January 1, 2025).
- Increase the selling price of local fixed route Monthly Passes from $10 to $20 for Basic Monthly Passes, and from $5 to $10 for Discount Monthly Passes (eff. January 1, 2025). The selling price of these passes will continue to be reduced from the actual price ($40/$30) as grant funding is available.
In addition, the alternatives being considered include the launch of public on-demand (microtransit) service as a complement to existing fixed routes starting in Linda and Olivehurst in the of Spring 2025. This approach offers substantial advantages including the potential to increase productivity systemwide and provide significant community impact. A complete description of the proposed service alternative is available online at
The Yuba-Sutter Transit Board of Directors has set a public hearing for Thursday, December 19, 2024, at 4:05 p.m. to accept public comments on the proposed local service plan alternatives. The hearing will be part of the regular Board meeting held in the Supervisor’s Chambers in the Yuba County Government Center at 915 Eighth Street in Marysville. Comments can also be provided by email to or by phone at (530) 634-6880.
Marysville Christmas Parade Saturday, December 7th
The 73rd annual Marysville Christmas Parade returns to downtown Marysville at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 7th. With a theme of “A Night at the Nutcracker” this year, the parade will conclude a two-day event in Historic Downtown Marysville which includes the annual tree-lighting ceremony at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 6th.
On Saturday, December 7th, Yuba-Sutter Transit’s Route 1 and Route 4 will not serve D & 2nd Street, F & 2nd Street and all bus stops south of 9th Street and West of Highway 70 after 1:00 p.m. The nearest alternative downtown stops in Marysville for Route 1 and Route 4 will be on 3rd Street at or near the Adventist Health and Rideout Hospital.
For more information, please call (530) 742-2877.

Plumas Street to Close on Saturday, December 14th
The Vintage Christmas Stroll will be on Saturday, December 14th from 2:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Plumas Street Shopping District of Yuba City. The event will feature live entertainment, beautiful crafts, food vendors, and children’s activities all in the open air on vibrantly lit Plumas Street.
Yuba-Sutter Transit service will be re-routed from Plumas Street beginning at 10:00 a.m. to accommodate the festivities. Route 1 buses will operate on Olive Street between Colusa and Forbes Avenues and Route 2 will operate on Shasta Street between Colusa Avenue and Bridge Street. The Plumas Street bus stops at Church and Bridge Streets and the Forbes Avenue stops at Almond Street will not be in service during this time.
Call (530) 742-2877 for more route and stop information.

Olivehurst Christmas Parade to Close a Portion of Olivehurst Avenue Saturday, December 14th
Holiday cheer returns to Olivehurst on Saturday, December 14th for the 55th edition of the Olivehurst Christmas Parade. The parade is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. and will travel on Olivehurst Avenue from 9th Avenue to Powerline Rd.
Street closures on the parade route are scheduled to begin around 3:00 p.m. through the end of the parade. At that time, Yuba-Sutter Transit’s Route 3 service will detour in both directions from Olivehurst Avenue to Western Avenue between 10th and 3rd Avenues through the end of the scheduled service day. Call (530) 742-2877 for more route and stop information.
Christmas and New Year's Holiday Schedule
All of us at Yuba-Sutter Transit wish you and yours a joyous Christmas and New Year’s holiday season. Please note the following service and Administrative Office closures.
- Tuesday, December 24th – The Administrative Office will be closed, but all services will operate as scheduled.
- Wednesday, December 25th – No service will be operated, and the Administrative Office will be closed.
- Wednesday, January 1st – No service will be operated, and the Administrative Office will be closed.
Call (530) 634-6880 for more information.
Christmas Gift Guide and Connect Card Sales Outlets
For a practical and useful gift idea, try loading the Connect Cards of your bus riding friends and loved ones with a monthly pass or cash value this year – a gift that keeps on giving! Just bring the nine-digit number from the back of their Connect Card to our office and we can load it with cash or passes right there. Cards can hold up to $360 in cash value and/or passes for up to three months. You can load your own Connect Card at any of the sales outlets below or on the Connect Card website. New full fare Connect Cards are available from any sales outlet, but new and replacement discount photo ID Connect Cards are only available during normal weekday business hours at the Yuba-Sutter Transit Administrative Office in Marysville. Call (530) 634-6880 for more information.
Please check with locations for current business hours as they may change without notice.
• Sutter County Library – Yuba City – (530) 822-7137
Tuesday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday & Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
[Cash or Check Only] -Holiday Closures: December 23rd-27th, 2024 / January 1st, 2025
• Yuba County Library at the Yuba Co. Government Center–
Marysville – (530) 749-7380
Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
[Cash, Credit or Debit – Fee Applied for Credit/Debit] -Holiday Closures: December 24th-, 25th & 31st, 2024 / January 1st, 2025
• Yuba College Bookstore – Linda – (530) 741-6998
Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
[Cash, Check, Credit or Debit] -Holiday Closures: December 23rd, 2024-January 3rd, 2025
• Yuba-Sutter Transit Administrative Office – Marysville
Weekdays, 8:00 am – Noon & 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
[Cash, Check, Credit or Debit]
• Connect Card Website –
[Credit or Debit / Auto-Load]
Yuba-Sutter Transit
2100 B Street
Marysville, CA 95901
Administration: (530) 634-6880
Service Information: (530) 742-2877
Web Site:
Connect Card:
General Comments/Questions: