Memorandum Re: COVID-19 Response Update (4/21/2020)

TO: All Yuba-Sutter Transit Passengers
From: Keith Martin, Transit Manager
RE: COVID-19 Response Update
Date: April 21, 2020
Yuba-Sutter Transit, along with our service contractor, Storer Transit Systems, continues to track the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. We remain committed to protecting the health and safety of both our passengers and personnel. All services continue to operate as scheduled consistent with the policy changes that have been since early March all of which remain in compliance with all COVID-19 related Health Orders issued to date by the Yuba-Sutter Bi-County Health Officer.
In addition to the previous updates which included passenger boarding limits, rear door boarding when possible and the use of the system for essential travel only, please note the following updates and reminders:
· Fare free service will continue at least through June 30, 2020.
To encourage ‘Social Distancing” and minimize the exposure of both passengers and staff alike, Yuba-Sutter Transit’s local fixed routes, rural routes and Dial-A-Ride services will continue to operate fare free at least through June. This does not apply to our Sacramento schedules.
· Yuba-Sutter Transit STRONGLY ENCOURAGES the use of facial coverings by all passengers.
Everyone on the bus is susceptible to the transmission of the COVID-19 virus – you can get it from or give it to others – so please be considerate and wear a face covering. For more information, visit
· Passenger capacity limits, rear door boarding and even more physical barriers.
This is a reminder that passenger limits of ten (10) and four (4) respectively continue to be enforced on our local fixed route and Dial-A-Ride buses. In addition to the quick release barrier straps that have been installed across the aisle of our local fixed route buses to encourage rear door boarding and exiting, plexiglass “sneeze-guards” will soon be installed to further protect our drivers.
Stay tuned for more updates as conditions change! The most efficient way to do that is by signing up for email alerts at For transit system information, call (530) 634-6880, email us at or visit our web page at For current COVID-19 information, visit
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Click here for a printable version of the 4-21-20 memo.