Page Updated: 9/29/2023
We HIGHLY encourage transit patrons to sign up for our service alerts by going to our "Stay Informed" page and completing the form. You will get an email at the earliest opportunity when any changes occur due to the current COVID-19 situation.
Las versiones en español están disponibles a pedido.
पंजाबी संस्करण अनुरोध पर उपलब्ध हैं।
Passenger Gidelines: Masks Are Recommended
Service Reductions & Adjustments
- Sacramento Commuter Service: This service continues to operate with the temporary suspension of three AM (399, 599 & 370) and three PM (299, 599 & 370) schedules. Click here for a current Sacramento Commuter service brochure.
Join us in our appreciation of our transit staff who have been working hard to keep the front lines open!