Unmet Needs Hearing Scheduled for October 27, 2020
The Sacramento Area Council of Governments, or SACOG, has scheduled a hearing for the local community in Yuba and Sutter Counties to give input regarding regional planning related to transportation needs and efforts to ensure public transportation services in the area are equitable and non-discriminatory under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
This meeting is organized by SACOG. Pursuant to state and local public health orders and directives, it will be held remotely with participants attending from separate remote locations. The meeting will be live cast via Zoom for members of the public to observe and offer comments, whether on-line or by telephone.
All comments must be received by 11/23/2020 and can be made via email, phone, text, online form, or mail.
Email: tranistneeds@sacog.org
Phone/Text: (916) 426-3799
Online: https://www.sacog.org/unmet
Mail: SACOG, Attn: Unmet Transit Needs/Title VI, 1415 L Street - Suite 300, Sacramento, CA, 95814
Click the following link to access a printable flyer in English/Spanish:
Date: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020
TIme: 2:00 PM (PST)
Zoom meeting ID – 976 6567 0483,
passcode – unmetneeds
Join a Hearing via laptop, computer, or smartphone at:
Computer/Laptop: www.zoom.us
Smartphone: via the Zoom app
Phone access: 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 (US toll-free).